Animal Health

Everything You Need

Simplot Western Stockmen 's是来自顶级行业制造商的高品质动物保健产品的首选区域经销商.

我们提供您饲养健康动物所需的所有必要药品, from 羊 and 山羊 to dairy heifers or beef cattle. 我们的 extensive selection includes vitamins, antibiotics, ear tags, coflex, needles and syringes to wormers, grooming products and related veterinary supplies.


Livestock Feeding 箴ducts

Livestock Feed Line

With a full selection of feeds, from daily rations to individually tailored feed supplements, Simplot Western Stockmen 's通过我们的骄傲系列牲畜饲料提供所有这些. 让Pride为你的动物提供每一个发育阶段所需的营养.

骄傲是可在干,散装或包装运输从Simplot西部畜牧业的工厂. 大宗运输可定制,以满足个别乳制品的特殊需要, beef or cow/calf operations, grower and finish feedlots, 羊, 山羊, pigs and chickens.


Find a Store Near You to find the Pride product that suits you best! 


View 我们的 Pride Feed Catalog

Simplot Calf Starter 箴grams for Healthy Calves

Simplot Western Stockmen 's通过干饲料和专门为小牛设计的饲料管理程序,帮助您给小牛一个健康的开始. Manufactured daily, 我们所有的小牛饲料配方都含有所需的维生素和矿物质,以满足奶牛和肉牛的营养需求.

View 我们的 Calf Grains Catalog    Sales Reps

Simplot Western Stockmen的另一位满意客户——听听布尔诺特农场的迈克尔·布鲁贝克是怎么说的, 爱达荷州, says about Simplot calf grains. 

Simplot Western Stockmen 's以各种公式为您的牛提供所需的砖块. 我们有经典系列、高级系列和超级系列以及纯天然系列. If your cattle are on low quality forage, stressed, lacking vitamins and minerals or are in an All-Natural program, we have what they need.

View our Block Catalog    Sales Reps


我们强大的矿物质产品线超越了为牛提供均衡的维生素和矿物质营养. With both bagged and blocked mineral products, you’ll find what you need for all stages of production, medicated options for cocci control and feed efficiency, natural insect repellant, 和有机微量矿物质,在具有挑战性的环境中最大限度地吸收矿物质.

View our Mineral Catalog    Sales Reps

Range Cubes

Simplot Western Stockmen的质量范围立方体是一个伟大的解决方案,以补充牧场上的牛. They provide an easy to feed source of protein, 能源, minerals, 以及可以在地面上喂养的维生素,而不会浪费小颗粒或一顿饭. With a variety of protein options, 我们的牧场立方体配合秋冬放牧和干草计划, whether you have poor, moderate, or high quality forages.

View our Range Cube Catalog

Equine Health and Feed

Equine 箴ducts

Simplot Western Stockmen 's拥有完整的马产品系列,可以帮助您养出最健康的马.

We carry everything from wormers to grooming supplies, vaccines to feeds, as well as bedding to fencing.


View our Equine Catalog    View our Bluebonnet Feeds

Commodities and 种子


Simplot Western Stockmen 's处理和销售几种商品饲料产品, including but not limited to whole, 滚, steam-flaked, 撞, ground and mixed grains. We also carry a variety of proteins and byproducts.

箴duct Availability by Location: 
Mountain 首页, 爱达荷州 – whole and steam-flaked corn
Burbank, Washington – whole corn and ground corn

Commodities Information and Purchase Contacts:

Cole Colson
(208) 780-4817

Kasi Deveney
(208) 780-4856


Simplot Western Stockmen 's已经为注重营养的牧场主和农民销售优质种子超过35年. 我们以提供各种性能优良的种子而自豪,并努力为您的农场选择产量和质量最好的种子基因.

We work with local growers to source the highest quality seeds, 并准备好确保你将种植什么是最适合你的经营全年.

Simplot Western Stockmen种子商店提供的种子品种从柔软的白色春小麦和冬小麦中有一系列选择, several alfalfa and pasture mixes, forage grasses and seeds, to oats and barley varieties and cover crops.

In addition to these seeds, Simplot Western Stockmen 's也从我们指定的饲料厂进行饲料销售.

View our Seed Catalog

For more information or to purchase a product, contact

Rob Allison
Office: (208) 780-4854
细胞: (208) 850-0597


我们的 Sales Locations

如果你不想搜索商店找到所有你需要的物品, 把你的单子交给我们的工作人员,我们会很乐意帮你拿东西. 在您享用我们的免费咖啡吧时,我们甚至会把它装进您的车里.

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